Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stila Makeup Player

This looks too cool for me not to share the details.

New from Stila is the Beauty Tube, a new gadget that is a hybrid of beauty and technology. Part docking station, part traincase, and part vanity, this gadget is literally everything you need to take your makeup party on the road.

I won't bore you with details, as you can find those in the pictures. Suffice it to say, a WANT is born.

If the case itself isn't enough to bring about some serious lemmings, you also get these great Stila products right there in the kit:

Who else will be indulging? Stila's Beauty Tube is available on the Stila website.

1 comment:

Krasey Beauty said...

Sizbelle, it is definitely a fab set. Perhaps someone can cp it for you?

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